Friday 18 March 2016

The first ever post on my first ever blog!

Hile, fellow Imperial citizens! May the light of the Emperor shine upon you!
It's the 18th of March, my birthday & the day I decided a few weeks ago that I would start this blog. As stated in the title, I'm a complete novice when it comes to documenting & sharing any part of my life. I'm telling you that I'm new to the "blogosphere" because I'm also a newby when it comes to the subject I'll be blogging about - the modeling & painting of warbands for Inq28 & Inquisimunda.
Now, while I've painted 40k on-&-off since I was a boy, I always found it a little constricting. Squards of models uniformly painted. I always wanted each of my Cadian guardsmen to be as individual & characterful as my Astarte's Chapter Master. Inq28 & Inquisimunda let's me do this. As well as being able to spend more time on each model, I also get to think up personalities, histories & potential e-harmony profiles for them all. So, I'll very much be learning as I go. And I chose my birthday to start this blog because I ordered a load of models online & they were supposed to arrive today. No prizes for guessing what didn't happen today! As a result of the Dark Gods conspiring with the postal service, I have less parts to begin creating members of my warband. Together with a few other bits from a few other kits, what you see in the photos if what I had to work with. Not much for a novice!
The few meager parts I hard to work with....
This blog will mainly concentrate on my attempt's to create in 3D what so far I've only managed to do on paper. And that is the masters & minions of what is (to my knowledge) one of the most secretive branches of the Inquisition - the Ordo Machinatus.
I've been writing for about 4 years now what started out as a codex for my own chapter of Astartes. After so many years, what started out as my own chapter evolved into an entire solar system called, Prosperine (a name borrowed from a beloved book from my childhood), with a ring-folder close to bursting with all manner of designs, notes & diagrams detailing the Ordo and their star system, their Chambers Militant, the public face (so to speak) of the Ordos activities - the Eternity Marshals. Whispered rumors also talk of another branch within the Ordo. People speaking too loudly of this sect are often found soon after in a catatonic state, in which they remain for the rest of their lives. Or, they are not found at all. Ever. Whether you are worthy enough to know who are what lies at the heart of this mystery, the Purity Wardens have yet to decide....
This blog will hopefully grow alongside a Wikia page that will delve into the parts of the Ordo's vaults that are too detailed & specific for the blog. Everything from more detailed Ordo, chapter & character's backgrounds to planetary composition & orbits. I'm also hoping that both my blog & Wikia page will include some illustrations by yours truly, but it's been several years since I picked up a pencil so, only time will tell I suppose.

So, without any further ado, may I present to you - Kranitel Relikviya! He's a strong, loyal & simple-minded brute from the shrine world of Miercurea. He crossed paths with his new master while being on the run from local authorities after slaying a Deacon of the Ecclesiarch.

Deacon Verbichek had an interest in the warp. In particular, how one might bring a creature of the warp into the material world. Kranitel happened upon the priest trying to do just that. Bodies of the cities pilgrims & street urchins deformed & mutated from the attempts to use them as vessels for daemons in a corner, soon to have another added to the heap. Or worse. He still wields the religious icon he used to rearrange the bones in the Deacons skull to do the same to the enemies of the Emperor he encounters. 

He still needs some work. The icon on the pole is definitely going but otherwise, I'm not sure I want to do much else. I like the idea that with 3 extra bits & a paint job, a Bretonnian soldier with a crappy sword & standard can be transformed into a dim looking, shotgun wielding, zealous acolyte of the Emperor of the 41st millennium. With a crappy sword & standard. As far as the paint goes, that will have to wait as it's not only models that the filth of the warp deprived me of! 
Well, there you have it. My first ever post on my first ever blog! 😊

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